Full-Stack Software Engineer

FUTURESEARCH is looking for exceptional Full-Stack Software Engineers to build features that improve our ability to answer unusually hard questions that other AI systems fall short on. You are an engineer with expertise across the stack, and a keen eye for product. You can start with a raw idea, like: building a feature to search Wikipedia, find a dataset, extract it, parse it, compute statistics from it, generate a graph, and style it to explain the finding to the user. You can quickly prototype it, build it, refine it, and make is successful. You either have experience in, or can very quickly learn, to build with our stack: GCP + Azure + Vercel, Dagster, Python, NextJS, Typescript, Tailwind, Supabase. You work quickly, and love using the products that you build.

Please fill out this form to apply for an interview. You should spend no longer than 60 minutes on the questions below.