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How many paying users does ChatGPT have? Will OpenAI continue using New York Times data? What will happen to TikTok after the US ban? How big is the fermented alt-meat market? Will the DOJ make Apple change its business? What was FTX's stake in Anthropic? What percentage of drivers can afford BYD EVs?

OpenAI Revenue Breakdown

As of June 2024, how much revenue comes from ChatGPT Plus, Teams, Enterprise, and the API, from how many paying users?

As of July 2024, who owns what percent of Anthropic, including FTX and the UAE?

What are OpenAI’s margins for the GPT-4o API? How much do they pay for Microsoft GPUs?

FutureSearch makes me more accurate and that's essential for my work.”

-CEO of a 50-person research nonprofit

Built by experts in ML and Search

  • Dan Schwarz FutureSearch Co-founder and CEO

    Dan Schwarz


    Stanford University, BS

    Prior to founding FUTURESEARCH, Dan served as CTO at Metaculus, the pre-eminent public forecasting platform.

    Dan was a Senior Software Engineer at Google and Waymo, and created Google’s currently running internal prediction market.

  • Lawrence Phillips FutureSearch Co-Founder and CTO

    Lawrence Phillips


    Imperial College London, MSc
    Heriot Watt University, PhD Atomic/Molecular Physics

    Prior to founding FUTURESEARCH, Lawrence led the AI team at Metaculus.

    Lawrence has held ML engineer and ML scientist positions at Cambridge Consultants, GTN, Jawbone Health, and GSK.

  • Peter Mühlbacher FutureSearch Founding Research Scientist

    Peter Mühlbacher


    Cambridge University, MASt
    University of Warwick, PhD Mathematics

    Prior to FUTURESEARCH, Peter worked at UniCredit Bank Austria as a Risk Analyst, and at Metaculus as a Research Scientist.

  • Daniel Hnyk FutureSearch Founding Software Engineer

    Daniel Hnyk


    Czech Technical University, MSc

    Prior to joining FUTURESEARCH, Daniel was an ML/AI engineer at Wikidi/Semantic Visions as well as Director of Engineering at both GWI and Metaculus.

  • Nikos Bosse


    London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, PhD Statistics | University of Göttingen, MD

    Nikos developed Research Strategy at Metaculus while earning MD and PhD degrees. His PhD Thesis focused on infectious disease forecasting and forecast evaluation.

  • Jack Wildman Senior Software Engineer

    Jack Wildman


    Heriot-Watt University, PhD, Materials Physics

    Jack brings 6+ years of software experience in addition to a PhD where his work involved performing Molecular Dynamics simulations of conjugated polymers and investigating the link between molecular conformation and optical phenomena.

  • Product Analyst

    McKenna Meyer


    University of Michigan, BA International Studies

    Prior to FUTURESEARCH, McKenna worked on talent acquisition strategy at Google and led all program management for Google’s internal prediction market run by the Behavioral Economics team.

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