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AI Reports

OpenAI Revenue Breakdown

As of June 2024, how much revenue comes from ChatGPT Plus, Teams, Enterprise, and the API, from how many paying users?

As of July 2024, who owns what percent of Anthropic? What percent of shares were sold by FTX to the UAE sovereign wealth fund?

What are OpenAI’s margins for the GPT-4o API? How much do they pay for Microsoft GPUs?


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What is the market size and profit margin for fermentation-derived alternative meats?

What will happen to TikTok after Congress passed a bill on April 24, 2024 requiring it to delist or divest its US operations?

Will the U.S. Supreme Court grant Trump immunity from prosecution in the 2024 Supreme Court Case: Trump v. United States?

Will the lawsuit brought against OpenAI by the New York Times result in OpenAI being allowed to continue using NYT data?

Will the U.S. Department of Justice impose behavioral remedies on Apple for violation of antitrust law?

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